Thursday, November 12, 2009

Traveling the World!

So a couple weeks ago I was in an AWESOME fashion show for the Afro Caribbean Society at Royal Holloway. There were really some interesting designs there that the students created (they really do have style over here in the U.K!) They had classic African clothing and then modern clubbing outfits. It felt awesome to wear some authentic African clothing :-) You can see the outfits above!

On Halloween I headed to London to hang with some Weslyan friends. London is pretty cool during Halloween, yet they aren't as original as the U.S.A. PLUS they are REALLY scary! I can't tell you how many zombies I saw. At one point I forgot it was Halloween and was riding home on a double decker bus when a zombie came up the stairs. It took about a minute for it to register that he was "dressing up" as a zombie. I'm telling you for about five seconds I was thinking: Ahhhhh!!! Overall though, Halloween was a cool experience.

Last weekend I had an EXCELLENT visit from my parents, we went to the Tate Modern, cruised by the Globe (where Shakespeare performed his works!) and had dinner in the most incredible restaurants. One of the restaurants, called "Amalfi," we discovered by chance! It was probably some of the best Italian food I have ever had! One night we went to the famous Ronnie Scotts, a famous jazz club in London. The music was excellent! It was great to hear the art of jazz. We also met up with a family from back home in Chatham and had DELICIOUS Lebanese cuisine. People say that the food in England is see the key to this is to only eat international food; then you're perfect!

This weekend I'm heading off to Barcelona to see the beautiful sights of Spain! I'm so excited, I hear theres amazing architecture with tons of history, breathtaking views and famous museums. One of my favorite artists of all time,
Joan MirĂ³, was born in Barcelona; so I will definitely be heading there to see his artwork! Barcelona is also surrounded by lush beaches (and I hear it will be high 60's while I'm there!) so I may have to take a stroll on the beach on my downtime.

I can't believe it's already November 12th! In exactly a month I'll be back home in New Jersey, which is crazy! I already think London is incredible!!! There's so much to see, I think it may take 5 years to see ALL of London.

Until next time,

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