Monday, December 7, 2009

A Fabulous Journey!

So now I am in the 2nd week of December and I am COMPLETELY SHOCKED by how fast this trip has gone! I've seen the sights of England, shopped in London, visited the cathedrals of Barcelona and climbed the Eiffel Tower. It is incredible how much of the world you can see within' such a small amount of time. I've truly had an amazing time here...three months definitely wasn't enough! I hope to come visit and discover more of Europe in the future :-)

Lately I've been organizing my packing (which will take days to accomplish) as well as finishing some school work. I leave THIS Saturday; which again is shocking!!! Once I get back I plan to tell everyone of my adventures during these glorious months abroad.

Well now I must pack, this is short and sweet as my last entry! Thanks to all who followed my journey, please let me know through my e-mail if you have a friend or if you yourself plan to go abroad to Europe; it truly is an incredible experience.

<3 Ari

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