Monday, September 21, 2009

Settling in!

LONDON!!! That basically outlines my sentiments right now. I feel like I'm still in shock since I have been settling in for only a couple days. This first week has definitely been going sooo fast! From plane flight to hotel to streets of London to Countryside I already feel like I've been in constant motion! So far though, things have been great.

After flying from Newark Airport on luxurious Virgin Atlantic (and watching the Hangover which was hilarious) I arrived at Hearthrow Airport right outside of London. The group and I (all the IFSA Butler students) were then transported by coach bus to mid-London. On the bus we had this hilarious British guide who dazzled us with his whit while we were driving across the hectic streets. We passed famous pubs and the "posh" streets of Notting Hill while we were cruising alongside the River Thames. After getting settled into the hotel right near the British Museum I felt so jetlaged! I think I was awake for more than 24 hours...but the shock of London could keep me up forever. After dinner that night, I cruised the streets with some other students and checked out a British pub. The place was pretty standard; there were several Brits with long coats and large pints of beer laughing and discussing their hard days of work. Pubs seem to be the social joints in London where people go to hangout and wind down.

The next day I got to check out the streets and shop a bit. The weather isn't too bad, it's actually quite comfortable. Sky is pretty overcast with a couple hits of sunshine, and the "pavement" is incredibly clean! London is such a mix of fast paced life with classic architecture, which makes it absolutely gorgeous. I sampled some British fish and chips, which were really good. Covent Gardens, an area full of shopping, markets and really nice restaurants, had these street performers entertaining the streets. I absolutely love the city, seeing such new and interesting people combined with gorgeous vintage streets and buildings is bliss :-) That night I bargained with a club promoter to let me into this hip club for 5 pounds (when it was originally 20 pounds). It was really cool; 3 floors with all different kinds of music and tons of people! I would say that's better than any of the clubs I've been to in the states.

Yesterday I arrived at Royal Holloway, which is about 40 minutes from the city in the English countryside, or the suburbs, of Surry. The campus is gorgeous. There is a castle, and I mean LITERALLY a HUGE CASTLE in the middle of the campus that looks like Hogwarts in Harry Potter. The campus is surrounded by large, plush trees and beautiful buildings. I think one of the most amazing parts so far, ( other than living in Hogwarts ;-) ) is my bedroom. It's pretty much a palace. A large COMPLETELY NEW room with tons of shelves, a KING size bed, a nice window and....drumroll own private bathroom! Each flat, or apartment, in my building has a bunch of rooms with their own bathroom and a brand new kitchen at the end!

Recently I've been going out throughout the day and at night meeting some really interesting and cool people around the campus. There are TONS of international students and also lots of British kids as well. It's always so exciting to meet new people, it's almost like meeting different parts of the world.

Well, that was a detailed account of my first couple days abroad!

Until next time,
Ari <3

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